About Cheryl

Cheryl Mahoney lives in California and dreams of other worlds. She is the author of the Beyond the Tales quartet, retelling familiar fairy tales, but subverting expectations with different points of view and new twists to the tales. She is also a co-author of The Servants and the Beast, and its companion piece, After the Sparkles Settled. Cheryl loves exploring new worlds in the past, the future or fairyland, and builds her stories around characters finding their way through those worlds–especially characters overlooked or underestimated by the people around them.

She has been blogging since 2010 at Tales of the Marvelous (http://marveloustales.com). Her weekly Writing Wednesday posts provide updates about her current writing, including excerpts. She also posts regularly with book and movie reviews, and reflections on reading. She has been a member of Stonehenge Writers since 2012, and has completed NaNoWriMo seven times.

Cheryl has looked for faeries in Kensington Gardens in London and for the Phantom at the Opera Garnier in Paris. She considers Tamora Pierce’s Song of the Lioness Quartet to be life-changing and Terry Pratchett books to be the best cure for gloomy days.

Questions?  Favorite author to recommend?  Just want to say hi?  Leave a comment below, or email me at cherylmahoney42 @ gmail.com (without spaces).  I can’t wait to get to know you!

10 thoughts on “About Cheryl

  1. just want to say hello, I sort of wrote a review one of your books on my blog, well, not really a review, more like a small though & I did a slight redesign of the cover, just for fun

    have a lovely day.

  2. hi cheryl!

    your blog is wonderful! i just read some of your posts and now your about me and i like you already!

    i CANNOT believe i found a person who loves Patricia C. Wrede! i read Dealing with Dragons when i was ten or so and it became one of my favorite books. i’ve read it about three times since and it irritates me so much i can’t find the sequel in my bookstore!

    anyway, just here to say hi! i’m feeling nice today.

    ps. your nanowrimo badges are perfect 🙂 congratulations!

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog and checking out my review of Sorcery and Cecelia. Not having followed blogs much before starting my own, it’s been fun meeting other SF/F bloggers and finding great reads.

  4. “The Chicken Noodle Soup for the Trekkie Soul” is the BEST star trek fanfic i’ve ever read so far!! you’ve got the character right, it’s really on the spot! i liked that funny red shirts guy, Ensign Jones! he takes all the red shirt’s job all by himself!! oh, and i’d love to see Mr. Nimoy’s Spock listening to the Rock ‘n’ roll music loudly through his big headphone with his usually Vulcan face!! it would be hilarious! hahahahahaha
    “To Talk Like a Pirates” was really, really good 😉 i read that shortly after watching POTC 3, (3rd time, yay!) and those awesome dialogue between Jack and Will (oops, ‘captain’ Jack, to be precise) was so true to the character! anyway, just wanted to tell you that you’ve done marvelous job on those fanfic!! from Yokohama, japan 😉

  5. Pingback: The Booker Award « The Bookworm Chronicles

  6. Mary T. Bowers

    Don’t mean to be overly picky…. but where, may I ask, is the Shakespeare???

    Other than that – this looks wonderful!! And you still write brilliantly — so proud!!

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